Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Michael Dumanis, Sarah Gridley
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Sat Dec 13 7pm Sasha Steensen, Eric Baus
Sasha Steensen!!! Eric Baus!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
Oct 9--Peter Gizzi, Julie Carr 7pm!

PETER GIZZI is the author of The Outernationale, Some Values of Landscape and Weather, Artificial Heart, and Periplum and other poems 1987-1992. He has also published several limited-edition chapbooks, folios, and artist books. His work has been translated into numerous languages and anthologized here and abroad. His honors include the Lavan Younger Poet Award from the Academy of American Poets and fellowships in poetry from The Fund for Poetry, The Rex Foundation, Howard Foundation, The Foundation for Contemporary Arts, and The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. He has held residencies at The MacDowell Colony, The Foundation of French Literature at Royaumont, Un Bureau Sur L'Atlantique, and the Centre International de Poesie Marseille (cipM). His editing projects have included o•blék: a journal of language arts, The Exact Change Yearbook, The House That Jack Built: The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer and My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer. He is currently the poetry editor for The Nation. He works at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Julie Carr is the author of Mead: An Epithalamion, and Equivocal. She has poems and essays in Volt, Verse, American Letters and Commentary, Denver Quarterly, Women Studies Quarterly, and English Language Notes. Poems of hers have also appeared in Best American Poetry 2007 and in the anthology, Not for Mothers Only (Fence Books). Carr teaches at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is the copublisher, with Tim Roberts, of Counterpath Press.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Peter Gizzi, Julie Carr--Clean Part #2
Thursday October 9 at 7:00pm
Sheldon Museum of Art
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Clean Part Installment #1 Saturday Sept 13 7:00pm Laynie Browne and Ange Mlinko!!!
Laynie Browne's most recent collections are The Scented Fox, recipient of the 2007 National Poetry Series Award, selected by Alice Notley (Wave Books), Daily Sonnets (Counterpath Books, 2007), and Drawing of a Swan Before Memory, winner of the Contemporary Poetry Series (University of Georgia Press, 2005).With others she helped organize the Ear Inn reading series in New York. She was a member of the Subtext Collective in Seattle, and is now as part of the POG Reading Series Tucson Arizona. She has taught creative writing at The University of Washington, Bothell, at Mills College in Oakland, California, and at the Poetry Center at the University of Arizona, where she is currently developing a new a poetry-in-the-schools program for K-5 schools.
Ange Mlinko is the author of two books, Matinees (Zoland Books, 1999) and Starred Wire (Coffee House Press, 2005) which was a National Poetry Series winner in 2004, and a finalist for the James Laughlin Award. She has taught poetry at Brown University, the Naropa University Summer Writing Program, and Al-Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. Her poems are about urban life, about language and its failings, about the things we see and do not see. She is often compared to Frank O'Hara. The New Yorker praised her "unique sense of humor and mystery."
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery R and 12th St.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Poets on Painters Reading, This Saturday
Present a poetry reading to celebrate
The Poets on Painters
Featuring a reading by poets
Corina Copp
Paul Killebrew
And a discussion of the show by curator
Katie Geha
Saturday April 26th
Sheldon Memorial Gallery
12th & R Streets
This Saturday The Clean Part Reading Series and the Sheldon will be hosting a reading and discussion in conjunction with the opening of the Poets on Painters show at the Sheldon. Corina Copp and Paul Killebrew, two poets featured in the show, will be at the Sheldon to read from their work. Co-Curator Katie Geha will discuss her work with the show.
A visual and literary exhibition that pairs 20 contemporary poets with 20 contemporary paintings, Poets on Painters opens at the Sheldon on April 26. Each poet’s response to a painting will be displayed alongside the artwork. A sampling of today’s written and visual arts, Poets on Painters focuses on the intrinsic and fascinating connections between two of the oldest art forms as seen by some of their newest practitioners.
To view a slide show of the artworks, please click: Poets on Painters Slide Show.
Poets on Painters recalls 20th-century collaborations between Apollinaire and Duchamp, Stein and Picasso, and O’Hara and Rivers in its playful examination of how poetry and painting converge and diverge in the 21st century. The internationally recognized visual and literary artists included in the exhibition represent a vast array of styles and approaches, both traditional and experimental.
The project includes such notables as painters Mark Grotjahn, Sam Prekop, Laura Owens, Monique Prieto and Dana Schutz, and poets Jeff Clark, Joshua Marie Wilkinson Noah Eli Gordon and Sawako Nakayasu.
Organized by the Ulrich Museum of Art in Wichita, Kansas, the exhibition is curated by Katie Geha, former curator of modern and contemporary art at the Ulrich, and Travis Nichols, a freelance writer based in Seattle.
Corina Copp hails from Lawrence, KS, Boulder, CO, and New Orleans, LA. She is most recently the author of the e-book, Carpeted (Faux Press, 2004) and Play Air (Belladonna* Books, 2005). Her poems and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming from Fence, The Germ, The Poetry Project Newsletter, Pom2, and Magazine Cypress. She is the Monday Night Reading Series Coordinator at the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church, and lives in Brooklyn.
You can read her work at:
Paul Killebrew has published work on Slope, La Petite Zine, and McSweeneys. he is the author of Inspector Vs. Evader, published by Ugly Duckling Presse.
You can read his work at:
Saturday, March 08, 2008

Adam Clay is the author of The Wash (Parlor Press) and Canoe (Horse Less Press). His poems have appeared in A Public Space, Denver Quarterly, Gulf Coast, Sycamore Review, Court Green, and elsewhere.

Kate Greenstreet is the author of case sensitive (Ahsahta Press, 2006) and three chapbooks, Learning the Language (Etherdome Press, 2005), Rushes (above/ground press, 2007), and This is why I hurt you (Lame House Press, forthcoming). Statues, a Big Game Books tinyside, was available briefly in 2006. Last March, Flash+Card published In Paradise there is no art, a boxed set of 12 notecards (fragments of writing & art). Greenstreet's poems have appeared most recently in Handsome, Fascicle, Ocho, The Literary Review, and KELR (a "translation" collaboration with Bob Hicok). New work is forthcoming in Practice, Wildlife, Filling Station, Hotel Amerika, and Columbia Poetry Review. Her second book, The Last 4 Things, will be out from Ahsahta in 2009.

Anthony Hawley is the author of two full-length collections of poetry Forget Reading (2008) and The Concerto Form (2006) and four chapbooks Autobiography/Oughtabiography (Counterpath Press 2007), Record-breakers (Ori is the New Apple Press 2007), Afield (Ugly Duckling Presse 2004) and Vocative (Phylum Press 2004). Recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Hat, The Tiny, 26, 1913, and Verse. He currently teaches at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.